Every new year offers exciting possibilities, but it’s fair to assume that 2021 bears more anticipation than usual. At the center of the optimism is the arrival and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine–and the return to normalcy it will bring to communities around the country.

For healthcare providers in particular this can be a welcome reset, as well as an opportunity to evaluate how they can be more successful moving forward. Priorities can be reassessed, and new efforts can be pursued to adapt to an evolving marketplace. While all won’t change with the turning of the calendar, providers can prepare to do the most with their practices–and for their patients–by considering the following tips in the new year.

1. Expand your care through value-added care services

While accomplishing all of the above can seem daunting for practices, especially smaller ones, finding the right partners in care can help.

A value-added care services company that complements your patient care, such as United Allergy Services, can do more than just expand your services. You can leverage their unique strengths and bolster your brand at the same time. With 2021 right around the corner, and greater opportunities ahead, there’s no better time to explore your options and maximize your patient and business outcomes in the new year.

2. Adapt to post-COVID changes in patient behavior and preferences

The COVID pandemic has highlighted the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and innovation for all business. Healthcare practices are no different. The providers we work with that have seen the most success have leveraged technologies and services that have made them more adaptable.

Practices have seen a shift to low-touch, high-quality care due to the health and safety concerns of the pandemic. Fewer in-clinic patient traffic has given way to more telemedicine appointments and other methods to engage with patients remotely. While that may revert somewhat to pre-COVID norms, it’s important for providers to continue to explore who they can more conveniently provide care.

The United Allergy Services mode of treatment is well-suited to that shift. Our allergen immunotherapy protocol, available as either allergy shots or drops, is designed to be safely administered at home. Once prescribed, our allergy drops can either be picked up during an in-office appointment or delivered directly from our central pharmacy, giving you further options on how to flexibly offer care. Once a patient is on our treatment, our dedicated app, myAllergyPal®, allows patients to track and log doses, access their allergy test results, and manage future doses and appointments all in the palm of their hands.

3. Strengthen your brand

Brand loyalty applies to healthcare patients, too. With practices differentiating themselves more and more through services, technologies, marketing and other methods of patient engagement, providers should consider their own best methods to strengthen their branding.

4. Digitally engage with your patients

It’s no secret that more patients are spending more of their time online and on mobile. Why not interact with them in those same spaces to share updates about your practice, topical health tips, and other pieces of information related to their care? Use of social media, email marketing, text messaging, and more can be valuable ways to bolster your patient relationships.

5. Be agile

It’s a common theme throughout the tips above, but worth closing on here. While providers must already consider a variety of dynamics on a daily basis, from regulatory and payer issues to everything surrounding their patient care, it is more important than ever to adopt an agile business mindset. Be proactive, take note of broad shifts in patient preferences, and demonstrate the ability to adjust to those preferences.

As a value-added services company, United Allergy Services has looked to support providers with that mindset. Allergies are among the most prevalent chronic health conditions in the country, making allergy care just another component of primary care. By working with us, you can lean on our strengths and expand your care while you focus on what you do best. Our services incorporate a variety of testing and treatment options and are scaled for a range of provider needs and patient populations.

Want to learn more about how United Allergy Services can boost your business outcomes in 2021? Complete the contact form below today to speak with a member of our team.

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