For providers passionate about providing care to the pediatric population, integrating fundamental allergy care into their practice can bring about significant benefits. Allergy screening, testing, and treatment fosters healthier lives and also enhances the overall quality of care that can be provided.
Allergy immunotherapy, commonly known as allergy shots or allergy drops, is a therapeutic approach designed to modify the immune system’s response to allergens. While regularly considered for adults, recent increased adoption by pediatric providers has paved the way for immunotherapy’s integration into pediatric care, offering a transformative option for managing allergies.
One of the primary advantages of incorporating allergy immunotherapy into pediatric care is the potential for long-term relief from allergy symptoms. When children are exposed to small, controlled amounts of the allergens that they are allergic to, their immune system gradually builds tolerance. This can result in reduced severity and frequency of symptoms, decreased allergic reactions, decreased asthma exacerbations, preventing the development of asthma, and less antibiotic and steroid use, as well as leading to a significant improvement in the overall quality of life for pediatric patients.
For many pediatric patients with allergies, the standard approach involves medications to manage symptoms as opposed to foundationally changing the state of the disease. Medication issues can include high cost, unwanted side effects, and only partial control of symptoms. Allergy immunotherapy, however, offers a natural alternative that aims to modify the body’s immune response, substantially reducing or eliminating symptoms, and potentially reducing or eliminating the need for long-term medication use.

Individualized Immunotherapy
Every child is unique, and so are their allergies. Allergy immunotherapy allows for individualized and targeted treatment plans tailored to each child’s specific allergens, lifestyle, and the family’s financial situation. This individualized approach maximizes the potential for efficacy as well as adherence. Also, offering allergy immunotherapy as a pediatric provider creates an opportunity to further strengthen partnerships with parents and caregivers.
Collaborating on a comprehensive treatment plan fosters trust and active involvement in the child’s healthcare journey. It positions pediatric providers as already trusted members of the child’s healthcare team serving as proactive partners in managing and alleviating allergic conditions. This further positions pediatric practices as leaders in proactive and preventive healthcare for children.

Learn about how we work with providers to help them improve the lives of allergy sufferers in their patient population and community.