Spring means longer days, warmer weather, and the beginnings of baseball! Unfortunately for some allergy sufferers, the start of the long-anticipated baseball season also means the time of year when allergens such as tree pollen are at an all-time high. Sneezing, wheezing, and itchy, watery eyes can make games or practice challenging for you or your little leaguer. Even more concerning? The thought of major league games and contact with baseball’s favorite sidekick…peanuts! You can still enjoy this spring and baseball season with a little planning for your allergies.

Eliminating all outdoor sports and activities may seem like the best decision, and for many, it is. However, if skipping out on baseball or other outdoor sports due to allergies just is not an option, we can help. Here are some tips that will help allergy suffers enjoy watching America’s pastime and PLAY BALL!

Airborne Allergy Tips

Check the weather forecast before heading to the game. When checking out the weather, it is good practice to also check the pollen counts in the area. Keep in mind that peak pollen times are typically in the first half of the day, specifically 5am 10am. Attending practices or games midday or in the afternoon may help to reduce exposures.

Baseball and outdoor allergies don’t have to be in competition with one another. If you have a little leaguer, packing wet wipes is good practice. Wiping down their hands, face and neck can be helpful to combat those distracting allergy symptoms when out on the diamond. Also, make sure your favorite player is not relying on allergy medication that could make them drowsy. There are non-sedating medication options, or allergen immunotherapy that are worth discussing with their provider.

After a long practice or game, it is beneficial to change your clothing as soon as possible. Also helpful is an immediate shower, especially before crawling into bed. The shower will help to wash away any allergens that have adhered themselves to your skin or hair. This is especially important so that the allergens aren’t transferred to your pillow or sheets, remaining in the immediate space you breathe in all night.

Planning for Stinging Insects and Food Allergies

If your allergies include stinging insects or even food, planning ahead can alleviate a lot of anxiety. Always make sure to carry a minimum of two epinephrine auto injectors if there is a known insect or food allergy. Make sure the epinephrine auto injectors can be accessed and administered within 60 seconds if the need arises.

If food allergies are present, especially peanut, legume, or tree nut, it can make the lyrics “Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks” send shivers down your spine. Fortunately, most large baseball stadiums across the country have become aware of the dangers and distress surrounding food allergies and have started to offer peanut-free games or special accommodations for food allergy families with peanut-free designated seating. The Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) organization typically releases an annual guide outlining which major league and minor league baseball stadiums offer peanut aware sporting events. Along with utilizing their helpful guide, FARE recommends “to reach out directly to the venue to learn more about their efforts”.

Some suggested questions to have ready when you contact the venue about are:

  • Are there any [peanut] allergy friendly games, sections, or suites available?
  • Does the venue utilize power washing for seating, and traffic pathways at the stadium?
  • Can you find ingredient lists or are they available upon request at the concessions?
  • Do they allow families to bring in their own safe meals and snacks?
  • Are emergency responders available to the public at every game, and are their sections closer to these personnel?

Planning and communication are key to enjoying baseball season and balancing your outdoor allergies. Talk to family, friends, coaches, players, and venues, to create a plan that is right for your family. However, missing out on baseball season does not have to be part of that plan. If you or your loved ones are not quite sure if allergies are playing a role, or if the over-the-counter allergy medication just is not cutting it, you have options. There is still time to see your provider and discuss allergy testing and begin allergen immunotherapy.

About the Author

Amanda Hofmann, MPAS, PA-C, is a graduate of Duquesne University, in Pittsburgh, PA. After spending 8 years in clinical practice, she joined United Allergy Services where she is currently the Vice President of Clinical. Amanda is also the past president of the Association of PAs in Allergy, Asthma, and immunology. 


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