It was earlier predicted, and may have already occurred by the time this article is published, that allergy season is going to start sooner this year. In 2012, the allergy season started in February.

In November 2012, a research presentation at the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology suggested that by the year 2040 pollen counts would be double. Dr. Stacy Gray of the Harvard affiliated Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, an allergy expert believes that because the winters are shorter and less severe there are going to be more pollens and molds present for a longer period.

As those of you know who already suffer from allergies, grass, weeds, and trees all release their tiny but powerfully effective irritants into the air. The allergy season begins every spring with the tree allergies, continues into and through the summer with grass allergies and sometimes ends in the fall with weed allergies.

Once these pollens are inhaled, they trigger a reaction of the immune system commonly referred to as hay fever.

The familiar symptoms of an allergy generally include sneezing, having a runny nose, burning or watery eyes and itching. Asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease both tend to increase your chances of having a miserable allergy season.

Not only do allergic reactions stem from grass, weeds, and trees but other pollutants in the air such as dust mite droppings and mold spores cause grief as well. The good news is normally problems with dust mite droppings are not seasonal. However, in the warmer climates mold can be a year-round problem.

If you feel that you are suffering from some of the known reactions, then it is a good idea to have an allergy test. These are often times done a doctor’s office with either a blood test or a skin reaction test.

The skin reaction test involves exposing your body to known allergens via a pinprick. If your skin becomes red and swollen at the test spot is an indication that you are having an allergic reaction to the allergen.

After you find what allergens you react to then you and your doctor will develop a plan of action to treat your allergies. Quite frequently, this involves medications. Your doctor and you will make a decision as to what type of medications they believe will be of benefit to you. The decision is based upon the symptoms you have and the other medications that you may be taking for other conditions. This helps to avoid any possible complications from the interactions of the drugs.

However, the wise consumer researches the suggested medications, their side effects, and acknowledged interactions with other medications before starting their use.

Stay strong, and remain passionately committed to your hearts chosen path.


By Danny ODell
April 10, 2013