6 Tips for Exercising Through Allergy Season

Don’t let watery eyes and a runny nose keep you from a spring workout. Avoid the pitfalls of allergy season with these expert tips

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United Allergy gets big booster shot from private-equity firm Serent Capital

Private-equity firm Serent Capital has acquired an ownership stake in United Allergy Services (UAS). That deal is expected to give San Antonio-based UAS more financial muscle, a greater diversity of operational expertise and an ability to pursue more growth opportunities nationally.

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Weather conditions lead to difficult season for allergy sufferers

A mild winter and periods of heavy rain are just two factors contributing to what has already been a particularly difficult season for allergy sufferers in the county.

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The Worst Cities For Allergies In 2012

Each year, 40 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, when airborne irritants trigger an overreaction of the immune system, marked by itchy, watery eyes, violent sneezing, coughing, wheezing, severe nasal or sinus congestion and, in some cases, difficulty breathing.

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Helping the body fight off allergies

While there are different types of conjunctivitis, rhinitis and asthma, about 50 to 70 percent of Americans suffer from allergy-induced types of these conditions. An allergy is defined as an abnormal sensitivity to a substance normally tolerated and generally considered harmless such as pollen,…

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5 ways to tame your seasonal allergies

1. Make a stay-strong grocery list. Dark leafy vegetables, 100 per cent whole grains, unsaturated fats and lean protein boost immune strength. And avoid pollen allergy co-conspirators: 70 per cent of those with allergies to birch or alder trees also get an itchy, swollen mouth from celery, cherries…

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Mild Winters and Allergy Season

Experts say allergy season may be more severe and offer tips for relief Warmer temperatures made this year’s winter feel more like spring on several occasions. While the moderate weather delighted most, experts say spring allergy sufferers may not be as pleased, due to the earlier onset of…

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5 Ways You Worsen Your Allergies

If you suffer from springtime allergies, there are five surprising ways you may be aggravating your suffering — fruits and vegetables, air filters, fresh air, procrastination, and self-medication.

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Nothing to Sneeze At

What you need to know about the causes and culprits behind your soon-to-be wheezing and watery eyes during the allergy season. The Lone Star State is home to hundreds of allergy-inducing trees and plant species that can cause itchy, watery eyes, wheezing and sneezing. In fact, of the more than…

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Minimizing Allergens in Your Office

People entering your office can have allergic reactions to a host of substances. The severity of these reactions can range from mild to life-threatening, so it’s smart to try to rid your space of the most common allergens for patients and staff in a medical office. MOT spoke with several experts in…

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United Allergy Services Joins the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Corporate Partner Program

San Antonio, Texas — February 17, 2012 — United Allergy Services (UAS)™, the leading health care services company empowering physicians and health systems to deliver safe and effective allergy testing and customized immunotherapy services to patients, has joined the American Academy of Family…

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United Allergy Services Announces Company Rebrand

San Antonio, TX— February 14, 2012— United Allergy Services (UAS)™, formerly known as United Allergy Labs™, today announced the company’s new name to better reflect its service role in the delivery of allergy testing and immunotherapy. United Allergy Services is the principal healthcare services…

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LAFP Welcomes New Partner – United Allergy Labs

United Allergy Labs (UAL) attended the Annual Assembly & Exhibition for the first time in August. UAL specializes in providing fully-staffed and operational allergy services inside physicians’ offices. “We enjoyed meeting the LAFP physicians at the trade show and telling them about our allergy…

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8 Tips for Fall Allergy Relief

United Allergy Labs Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Frederick Schaffer, M.D., board certified allergist and immunologist, was recently featured in EverydayHealth.com. Fall allergies have you hiding out in your home? Get back to enjoying the great outdoors with these allergy management tips.

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Allergy Treatment Nothing to Sneeze at

Allergies afflict more than 50 million Americans, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that patients seeking relief from the condition's trademark congestion, coughing, and itchy eyes account for more…

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Dr. Schaffer’s Guide To Indoor & Outdoor Allergies

United Allergy Labs Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Frederick Schaffer, board certified allergist and immunologist, was recently featured on ParentHood.com. Allergy season seems like it's year round these days. As pollution and pollen levels continue to increase, millions of people are sniffly and…

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Has Climate Change Increased Seasonal Allergies?

A recent study suggests that severe seasonal changes may lead to higher levels of outdoor airborne allergens and increased allergy susceptibility.

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The nose knows it’s a bad allergy season

“Everyone always has a reason to think the current year is the worst year ever for allergies,” said Dr. David Rosenstreich, director of the allergy and immunology division at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. But this year those complaints really do have some merit, he added.

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United Allergy Labs Helping Patients Find Relief

Nicolas Hollis, CEO of United Allergy Labs, says there is a large, untapped market for treating people suffering from seasonal allergies. A company in San Antonio is seeking to provide long‐lasting treatment for seasonal and perennial allergy sufferers.

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Asthma: Providing Relief for Your Patients

Approximately 34 million people in the United States suffer from the wheezing and discomfort of asthma. Affecting patients of all ages, advancing research into the treatment of asthma is providing promising results for sufferers.

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Heat Wave Especially Horrible for People with Certain Illnesses

Besides being hot and sticky, Lisa McDavid of Drexel, N.C., said, “I get really tired, can’t breathe out of my nose and my chest starts hurting.” McDavid suffers from seasonal allergies, a deviated septum and mitral valve prolapse, a condition that causes one of the heart valves to not close…

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5 Ways Americans’ Allergies Are Getting Worse

Allergies are going nowhere but up. One in five Americans now suffer from allergies, accounting for 17 million doctors appointments and 30,000 emergency room visits each year. And the numbers are on the rise, according to a large new study from the medical testing and information company Quest…

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Flu/Cold or Allergies?

Cough. Sneeze. Wheeze. You know the symptoms, but do you really know the cause? The similarities between symptoms of the flu/cold and nasal allergies (also called allergic rhinitis, indoor or outdoor allergies, seasonal allergies or hay fever) can cause confusion. Worse, it can cause you to make…

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Cold & Allergy Quiz: Do You Know the Difference?

Do you know the difference between colds and allergies? Take this short quiz to find out. Which of the following is a symptom of both colds and allergies?  Coughing  Sneezing  Runny nose  All of the above Click here to take this short quiz to find out if you know the difference between colds…

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Spring Allergy Capitals Announced

There is no place safe from allergies in America, and some cities are more problematic than others. The Allergy Capitals is an annual research project of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) to identify “the 100 most challenging places to live with allergies” in the spring and fall…

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Dogs that Cause the Least Allergies

Allergies and the accompanying symptoms of sneezing, coughing, stuffy nose and watery eyes create misery in the lives of those afflicted. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology states that an estimated 10 percent of the American population is allergic to animals. That statistic does…

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Allergies Can Increase the Risk of Depression

Spring always brings a rash of sneezing, sniffling and stuffy noses. But can seasonal allergies be psychologically harmful? A wave of emerging research suggests that may be the case. While there’s no firm evidence that allergies cause depression, large studies show that allergy sufferers do seem to…

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Best Cities for Allergies in the United States

Each year, as spring rolls around, many seasonal allergy sufferers lament, “Maybe I should just move to Alaska!” Warm weather arrives, the trees bud, the flowers bloom -- and noses burst with sniffles and irritation. Then just as the allergic reactions of April and May have become a memory, fall…

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